eSett´s Summer Workers 2023
This summer two summer trainees have been working at eSett. Read about their experiences in this blog post!
Hi! I’m Panu Matilainen, an engineering student at Aalto University. I finished my bachelor’s degree at the end of last semester and after this summer I’ll begin my master’s studies. This is my second summer working at eSett. If I had to choose a word to describe the difference between the first and second summer work experience here, the word would be change.
The first change affected me, and the whole Nordic Balance Settlement. The Imbalance Settlement Period transitioned from an hour to 15 minutes on the 22nd of May. Although I was already quite familiar with the 15-minute ISP due to system testing last summer, the magnitude of the impact came fully clear to me after the go-live date. Fortunately, the colleagues here are very helpful and highly professional, and they were able to guide me through the transition.
Secondly, the amount of responsibility I was given was much greater compared to last summer. The greatest share of the increased responsibility came from executing tasks of the settlement responsible. Although the independent tasks itself had been introduced to me bit by bit last summer, I hadn’t performed the tasks as a joint entity before. However, the grown responsibility didn’t overwhelm me since my colleagues always offered help when I needed it. I was also given the opportunity to take part in a project related to data governance. The topic felt a little abstract sometimes, but it gave me a new perspective on what to consider whenever using data.
Lastly, I was able to utilize my technical skills in market monitoring-related tasks. I really enjoyed learning more about the markets while transferring large amounts of market data in a more understandable format. It became clear to me that I want to keep working closely with data in the future.
Overall, I learned a lot of new things this summer. The grown responsibility matured me, and I think this will help me greatly in the future. Although it felt like a lot had changed compared to last summer, the working atmosphere remained as unique as before.
Hi! I’m Wilma Branders, a master’s student in Energy Systems and Markets at Aalto University. This is my first summer working at eSett, and I have enjoyed it a lot!
I started the summer with limited knowledge about imbalance settlement since the topic has not been covered much in my studies. Over the summer, I have learned to understand more about both imbalance settlement and how the electricity market operates. It has also been interesting to learn about the differences between the Nordic countries. The job has complemented my studies very well and getting to work in both of my mother tongues, Finnish and Swedish, has been a real bonus.
The warm and welcoming atmosphere has made my time at eSett special. The work environment is both relaxed and professional, and my colleagues are always ready to help. Their support has made me feel comfortable in taking on more and more challenging tasks. Coffee breaks and after-work activities have been a fun part of the job too. I’ve particularly enjoyed trying aerial yoga and the tradition of teaming up to solve crossword puzzles during coffee breaks.
In short, my summer at eSett has been great. My responsibilities have grown over the summer, and there’s still something new to learn every day. My experience has set the bar high for future opportunities and left me even more inspired to keep learning more about energy systems.