Changes in Open data due to introduction of 15 minute ISP
eSett´s Open data web page provides open market data publicly to anyone interested.
eSett´s Open data web page provides open market data publicly to anyone interested. The service provides a user interface where data can be viewed, searched, and extracted to CSV format. Data is visible in both table and graphical form and can also be downloaded in a machine-readable format via an open RESTful API programming interface. The programming interface enables and facilitates the development of data-based services.
Due to the transition to 15-minute resolution in the Nordic imbalance settlement, a new version of the Open data service will be taken into use during the 23rd of May. Please note that there might be minor service disruptions during this time. More information on the 15 min ISP project can be found here.
The new version of the Open data contains following updates:
- All timeseries views will change from hour to 15-minute resolution from 22.5.2023 onwards (Prices, volumes…)
- Improved graphical components and overall performance
- Fee display includes historical fees
- UTC time stamp is added to all tables
- Terms of use and API information added
In case you have been automatically fetching data via open RESTful API, there is a chance that after the version update you will have to do minor adjustments in your data queries.
Please do not hesitate to contact eSett´s customer service for feedback and more information.