eSett Customer Satisfaction Survey results
eSett carried out customer satisfaction survey during January 2017. The questionnaire link was sent to all Online Service end users and it was open during weeks 1 and 2. The survey itself contained questions about eSett´s customer service and how market participants have experienced it.
Overall activeness was good and was divided quite equally between Finland (34,6 %), Sweden (41,7 %) and Norway (37,0 %). The roles of the participants providing their answers and feedback were as follows:
In the scale from 1-5 (1 = Not important/useful at all, 5 = Extremely important/useful)
- The majority (87 %) of questionnaire participants experienced eSett´s customer service as important to them. They rated customer service importancy 3 or higher
- Our service support was considered as useful (81,5 %). Our strenghts are friendly service and professionality
Development areas are too long response times, unclear communication and lack of services in local languages, especially in written form
We would like to thank all actors participated the survey. We will consider your feedback when developing our customer service processes further.