Upcoming Changes in Data Flow Contents
Implementation Timeline for 2024 and 2025.
eSett will implement several changes to the data flows gradually over the course of 2024 and 2025. While these changes may seem relatively minor, it is crucial for you to familiarize yourself with them and evaluate their impact on your systems. These modifications will eventually affect the communication of data flows both from market participants to eSett and vice versa.
The material related to the data exchange has already been updated and is available in https://ediel.org/nordic-balance-settlement-nbs/. Kindly contact eSett’s customer service if you have any questions about the change or its impacts.
Update in Bilateral Trade Process Type from Z05 to A59
Currently, the Bilateral Trade reporting process uses a local code, “Z05 Bilateral trade”, as a process type in the xml header section. This code will be replaced by the standardized code “A59 Internal trade reporting”.
Impacted data flows:
- (BITI) Receive BIT values
[ENTSO-E ESS Schedule Document] - (BICO) Bilateral Trade Intermediate Confirmation Report
[ENTSO-E ESS Confirmation Report] - (BICO) Bilateral Trade Final Confirmation Report
[ENTSO-E ESS Confirmation Report] - DP Bilateral Trades
[ENTSO-E ESS Confirmation Report] - INFS Request: Bilateral Trades
[ENTSO-E ESS Schedule Document]
Estimated schedule:
- The new code “A59” may be used for BITI data flows starting from 29.02.2024 as the new system version is deployed.
- The new code “A59” will be used for outgoing data from eSett to BRPs from Q2-Q3/2025 (initial estimate). The exact timing will be communicated later.
New and changing PU types
Several PU types currently use local Z-codes as their asset type in the XML files. These Z-codes will be replaced by standard codes as outlined in the table below. Simultaneously, two new PU types, “offshore wind” and “energy storage”, will be introduced. Additionally, the existing PU type “wind” will be renamed to “onshore wind.”
Impacted data flows:
- (PRUI) Production Unit – IN
[NEG Resource Object (Production Unit) Master Data Document] - (MEPI) Receive Merged Production values
[NEG (ebIX® based) Aggregated Data per MGA (E31, E44) – production] - DP Production Units – All
[NEG Resource Object (Production Unit) Master Data] - DP Production Units – Delta
[NEG Resource Object (Production Unit) Master Data] - DP REs’ Merged Production Data per Type and MGA
[NEG (ebIX® based) Aggregated Data per MGA (E31, E44) – production] - DP REs’ Production Data per Type and MGA
[NEG (ebIX® based) Aggregated Data per MGA (E31, E44) – production] - INFS Request: Merged Production
[NEG (ebIX® based) Aggregated Data per MGA (E31, E44) – production] - INFS Request: Production per Production Unit Type and MGA
[NEG (ebIX® based) Aggregated Data per MGA (E31, E44) – production]
Estimated schedule:
- New PU Types may be used starting from Q2/2024. The exact timing will be communicated later.
- New asset type codes may be used for incoming data to eSett starting from Q2/2024. The exact timing will be communicated later.
- New asset type codes will be used for outgoing data from eSett to market parties from Q2-Q3/2025 (initial estimate). Exact timing will be communicated later.
Introduction of Energy Storage Type for Consumption
With the incorporation of energy storage as a new type for production, a corresponding category for consumption is also being introduced. This includes utilizing the asset type when reporting consumption for energy storage, combining business type “A04 Consumption (general)” with asset type “B25 Energy storage.”
Impacted data flows:
- (RECI) Receive consumption values
[NEG (ebIX® based) Aggregated Data per MGA (E31, E44) – consumption] - (CONI) Consumption – IN
[NEG Party Master Data Document] - DP REs’ Consumption Data per Type and MGA
[NEG Aggregated Data per MGA for Settlement Responsible (E31, E44)] - DP Consumption MEC (Active)
[NEG Party Master Data Document] - DP Consumption MEC (Delta)
[NEG Party Master Data Document] - INFS Request: Consumption
[NEG Aggregated Data per MGA for Settlement Responsible (E31, E44)]
Estimated schedule:
- The new code “B25” may be used for incoming data to eSett starting from Q2/2024. The exact timing will be communicated later. Additionally, it will be introduced as a new type for the Online Service.
- The new code “B25” will be used for outgoing data from eSett to market parties once a Distribution System Operator or datahub begins applying the new consumption type.