Upcoming steps of Commissioning plan
System Vendor Testing
- The objective of the System vendor testing is to enable testing of Nordic IT vendors and service providers solutions’ with eSett on areas which are considered as critical to test, before moving into Operational Test Run
- System vendor testing has been re-scheduled to take place during 21st of March – 8th of April, during weeks 12-14
- You need to enroll to System vendor testing by sending an e-mail to settlement@esett.com
- Upon enrolling, eSett will request the necessary technical details to establish connectivity between our test environments – prepare to provide this information by 12th of February 2016 at the latest, in order for eSett to enable required connectivity in time
- In System vendor testing we will utilise fabricated market structures – not real market structures – to enable complete testing of system functionalities, especially data flows via different channels and protocols
- This means that you will also need to prepare your testing solution to utilise instructed identifiers in communication
- This approach will enable all essential system related activities for all market roles you wish to test
- eSett will deliver you the essential documentation and instructions upon enrolling, or by latest by 31st of January 2016
Operational Test Run
- We will distribute comprehensive information, including detailed time schedules, instructions and other supporting documentation, regarding all testing activities within Operational Test Run by 31st of January 2016
- This information shall be made available for whole market and published on eSett.com
- In the Operational Test Run the actual market structures will be used and they shall be reported to eSett by the market participants by 31st of January 2016
- These structures shall be maintained in the eSett’s environments until go-live, with possibilities for market participants to perform updates during Operational Test Run and before Parallel settlement begins
- In addition eSett will need each market participant to provide connection information to establish connectivity between market participants’ and eSett’s systems. This is a precondition for participation into Operational Test Run
- For reporting market structures and connection information to eSett by 31st of January 2016, please visit here for further information, instructions and required templates
Structure data updates
eSett has already received some updates from market participants regarding structural data templates and wishes to encourage those who have not yet returned the templates to check the need for possible updates. Please bear in mind that the last date for returning the templates is 31st of January 2016.