Important information for Finnish market participants: new codes will be taken into use on 4.5.2021
As we informed earlier in March, eSett has enabled new codes in Online Service as alternative codes. As the next step, we are going to set the new codes as primary codes for market participants and MGAs in Finland. Additionally, we will set the old national codes as alternative codes. This means, that the market participants can still report to eSett using the national codes, but eSett will send the outgoing messages to market participants using the new codes in the messages.
eSett will make this change during the evening of 4th May. After the change, Online Service will display the new codes by default for the market participants and MGAs. If an MGA or market participant does not have a new code, the old code will be used only. The list of codes is available on eSett’s website and the list will still be updated with some missing codes.
eSett would like to remind the participants who are not required to take the new codes in use, but will continue using national codes, that this change can also affect the messages that they receive from eSett. This is a result from when one market participants MGAs and PUs have taken the new codes into use and these codes will therefore also be included in the messages that the other participant is receiving.
For example, when the opposite MGA of an MGA exchange has taken a new EIC code into use, this new code will be used in the MGA exchange confirmation reports also for the market participant using the national codes, as the message includes an attribute referencing to this opposing MGA code. An example messages can be downloaded here.
Production unit codes
We ask all DSOs to verify that normal production units (e.g. power plants, not minor production) in their distribution MGAs are reported to Fingrid Datahub’s data migration as well as the current national code for the PU, i.e. the same as in eSett’s Online Service.
This data is required for successful go-live testing of the Datahub during June. However, the codes for production units will not yet be changed in eSett’s production system during spring. The GSRN codes will be added only as alternative codes for PUs before June.
Verify for any old structures in eSett
We also ask market participants in Finland to check from Online Service that they do not have any inactive or unnecessary structures in eSett. Especially we ask the DSOs to check that they do not have any MGAs active in eSett which are no longer in use. In such cases, these should be reported to eSett.
Please also make sure that you have the correct contact person information in Online Service under “Market Party Detail” and “Company Detail”.